Queen Seon Deok has been shown and released in South Korea last year. As of this time, television rights were negotiated to various Asian countries for Queen Seon Deok to be aired in other countries. So far, reviews of the Korean drama series are positive and more people came to know the story of the great Queen Seon Deok. Knowing that some of the actors in the said drama series received various acting awards, more and more people were searching over the Internet about Lady Mishil, Bidam, Deokman, and Yushin and as well as about the real people playing the said characters.
There are various questions about the characters of the great Queen Seon Deok. In order to have a simple flow of this movie review, it is better to answer some of these questions. Who is Lady Mishil in the drama series? Most people giving comments about Lady Mishil admitted that they feared that influential and talented court lady. Her noble roots brought her to the height of her cause by using conjugal ties in order to accumulate followers-something that she considered as her own people. She wanted to become queen of Shilla dynasty that she sought to kill Deokman, the first female ruler of Shilla Dynasty. Lady Mishil failed to kill Princess Deokman, and after several attempts to become successful, decided to take suicide for her son Bidam to wear the crown.
Is Bidam bad? No, Bidam is not really bad. The only reason that makes him bad is his association of his mother's dream-to rule Shilla Dynasty. On the other hand, it is undeniable that she loved Princess Deokman enough to support her and save her life in so many ways. Bidam died ten paces away from Queen Seon Deok with the opportunity to whisper her name Deokman despite the fact that doing such disrespectful act is prohibited. In the heart of Queen Seon Deok, she wanted Bidam to call her Deokman and love her as a woman. Finally, the overall impact of The Great Queen Seon Deok drama series is huge. The characters are amazing, the production design is unique, and most of the fighting scenes are breathtaking. The love story is Bidam and Deokman is tragic, but the feelings they shared allowed viewers to think deeply about the drama series. The more they were in grief of Bidam and Deokman sad love story, the more they focus on just cause and reality.
原标题 欧冠积分榜 一场2-1让利物浦相似出线,国米输球形势不容乐观北京时间11月6日凌晨,欧冠联赛小组赛第4轮比赛进行了8场争夺战。
2 years ago
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